P116 Portable Ultrasonic Flowmeter
Functionality and field portability, measuring a wide range of liquid flows and temperatures.
No pipe cutting or process shutdown.
High accuracy at low, high and Bi-drectional flows
The P116 Handheld Ultrasonic Flowmeter enables the user to do flow measurement checks at many points in a flow process without the need for a permanent installation. Model P116 is a state-of-the-art universal transit-time
While principally designed for clean liquids, the P116 operates effectively with a minimal quantity of air bubbles or suspended solids found in most industrial applications.flowmeter designed using SLSI technology and low-voltage broadband pulse transmission.
The P116 provides a powerful and extremely user-friendly programming menu that includes instantaneous flow rate, positive total, negative total, net total, velocity, date & time and daily flow results.
With distinctive features such as high precision, high reliability, high capability and low cost, the flowmeter features other advantages:
1. With SLSI COMA chip, low power consumption, high reliability, anti-jamming and outstanding benfits.
2. Clear, user-friendly menu selections make flowmeter simple and convenient to use.
U. S., British and Metric measurement units are available. Meanwhile, almost all-universal measurement units worldwide may be selected to meet customer's requirements.
3. Daily, monthly and yearly totalized flow: Totalized flow for the last 64 days and months as well as for the last 5 years are may be viewed. Power on/off function: Allows the viewing of time and flow rate as power is switched on and off 64 times. Also, the flowmeter has manual or automatic amendment during offline sessions.
4. With the SD Card, 512 files can be stored; The time interval can be within 5 seconds.
5. Parallel operation of positive, negative and net flow totalizes with scale factor and 7 digit display.
The flow meter ensures the higher resolution and wider measuring range by the 0.04nS high resolution, high linearity and high stability time measuring circuit and 32 bits digits processing program.